Polish roo eye gone and eye socket bleeding help

We have made 2 cuts and haven't been able to find it there is a hole right towards the center that had a little in it I've been tweeting it out but as far as finding the big mass I'm having no luck and yes I won't be mixing the antibiotics unfortunately the other hasn't arrived yet:( which is very upsetting
KATHY IF WHEN SHE WAS GIVING PENICILLIIN SHE GAVE 1 CC INSTEAD OF THIS SHE MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN HIM WELL SOONER AND SAVED HERSELF SOME WORK. As I said for the third time "the meds she is giving now are working, and the rooster looks like she is getting the infection" I should maybe give you an article on "Bullies" and people who attack other people .
Here is an article that might help you
Have a Merry Christmas
No need to shout, and sorry if you think I was picking on you, that was not my intent. FWIW, I doubt any amount of penicillin would have resolved the pus, but that's just been my experience.

That is just crazy how big swollen it has gotten. I am sure it is hard to keep a dressing on it on his head. I am glad there wasn't any big hard mass in it. I hope he does well. I had chicken that had large amounts swelling with a wound on her breast like that and I changed dressings, did soaks and it ended up she had a bunch of dead tissue under it where the varmit who got her had squeezed her so hard on the tissue it had killed the tissue underneath.
I meant I wouldn't mix the antibiotics reguardless if I had them both didn't want anyone to think that I meant I would 8/ unfortunately I don't have any knowledge of chicken problems besides been attacked a few times while I was younger....my hubby wanted them I agreed to them and know I'm dealing with a terrible infection that I feel absolutely horrible over its a case of too little too late I feel I've done everything that I understood to do from the begining but at the beginning I did not know the yellow in the center with the pic of the scab area was infection I thought it was parts of his insides....I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the help!!!!
I meant I wouldn't mix the antibiotics reguardless if I had them both didn't want anyone to think that I meant I would 8/ unfortunately I don't have any knowledge of chicken problems besides been attacked a few times while I was younger....my hubby wanted them I agreed to them and know I'm dealing with a terrible infection that I feel absolutely horrible over its a case of too little too late I feel I've done everything that I understood to do from the begining but at the beginning I did not know the yellow in the center with the pic of the scab area was infection I thought it was parts of his insides....I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the help!!!!
I didn't think you would, just wanted you to know that the book says not to, lol.

And I've gave him the penicillin at exactly the same time intervals each day and haven't seen any change in him

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