POLISH THREAD Talk about your Polish and post pics of your Polish

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Your chicks are not polish chicks, they look like a blue & white ameracauna chicks

X 5 votes for AMERAUCANAS

That was my 1st thought too......
but she said she had a roo...... so thought maybe he fathered them........
Thank you!!!!!
Ill get some of the others tomorrow and post them up.

Where did you get them from?

I got them in a combined order with a friend from meyer. I think we ordered 25 chicks together. All Crested polish of mixed color. We got wc blues, wc Blacks and wc buff laced.
To me the crest seems to be coming in like a pullet, but I find around 4 months to be the magic age to tell on them.
I find the pullets poof is smoother, more "helmet-head" like ; roos seem to start getting the spikey "wildman" look then.

Ruthie, now Rufus, crowed this morning

Not sure what to do because we also think that Annabeth is a roo - that makes 3 out of 5 of our Polish chicks. Wouldn't be so bad except we have an EE roo, our second one to crow. Not sure my flock of 22 can handle 5 roos.
Does anyone have a LF Rooster for sale in the South Ga/North Florida area? My friend is looking for one, she doesn't care what color, but she prefer buff laced and possibly frizzled.
I have had both of my D'Unccles hatch out- they ran all over like crazy monkeys right away.

However I've had 2 of my Tolbunt Polish hatch out tonight- and they are just laying there, they move a little and then lay there again for a while. They seem so letargic- is this normal? Will they act ok in the morning?

Jenny has always hatched out the eggs for us- so this is the first time I am hatching them. I have 14 more to hatch (8 due tomorrow, 6 on the 4th) and am worried about them.
I wouldn't be concerned about them not moving too much. it is hard work getting out of that egg/

i am hatching right now too and most of them are just lying around, the ones that hatched last nite are more mobile.
I picked these up yesterday from our BYC swap from Tom Carey a poultry judge they are soooo darn cute..I have been wanting bantam polish for ever..I put them in a cage in front of the window on our porch just to look and smile
they are toooo cute. Well at least till quarintine is over...

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