Polish Tophats - Pullets or Roos?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
Stratflord, CT
These guys are about 5 weeks and a couple days old now. I know it might be too early yet but ... I want to start preparing for the worst if any of them truly ARE showing signs for being roos. I always think I have an idea of what gender everyone is and then they do something that makes me go hmm ...

"Silvia" - Silver Laced Polish
The original one I pegged as a girl, as her tail grew in first and she got most of her feathers in pretty quickly. She'd been getting a big independent streak though, and makes herself pretty tall and just has a "tude" that makes me nervous. We introduced the lot of them with the older chickens today, and she challenged a few of them! Hoping she's a girl but, I have bad luck when it comes to my favorite being a roo ...

Polish # 2 (not named yet)
This one grew in tail feathers a lot slower than Silvia, but her head feathers seem much more round and she's much more meek. We were originally thinking she'd be the roo but, starting to think that isn't so.

Thanks in advance!
The 2nd one looks like a pullet. We have a WC Black girl that looked just like that when she was young. The 1st I think is a roo, Pointy feathers in the crest make me lean that way.
I've been wrong before, but I think I'm right this time

agreed with the above post. The mohawk would be a boy and the more rounder fuller crest a female....in my opinion. I love Polish...and yours are gorgeous good luck
The white crested is a pullet, but the crest on the silver laced makes me say cockerel. But I'm still not 100% sure on that--they could both be pullets. keller4511, your bird looks like a cockerel.

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