poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

half n' half
I went and checked coz i figured lame as this town is it would be illegal but found out im legal after all. Even roosters! Glad i checked out your post, thanks- quetsweyo
Though there's a Wall Mart a mile away it's still legal here on this mere 1/3 acre lot. Even a rooster, though I'll make a judgment on that by noise when he's older. Nice to live in old farming communities, there isn't one restriction on farm animals and zoning.
Well apparantly I am illegal...HOA does not allow "Animals for commercial use", but county ordinances in Hillsborough county do not allow chickens at all in any residental zoned are....I am embarking on a long road to try and change things here in the Tampa Bay area...If anyone else is around that wants to help. Please jump in..or send me some advise. My girls are hanging out on my porch and garage avoiding the threatening HOA and County code enforcement.....anyone know if they can touch me in the house, isnt that my castle?

Fishhawk ranch
Mine are in my A/C garage as well .....we started with the county code enforcement read through all pages here https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=516485 and see how much media coverage can help....make up petition letters to leave at your local feed stores and tack stores anywhere you can think of. PM me if you like. please join the florida thread in "where am I where are you" florida where it's allways sunny side up" and we will help you all we can.
No clue. We sit on the outskirts of "town". There are horses in this neighborhood and I've heard roo's. I think we might be legal, and our one new neighbor is very cool and has a soft spot for chickens having had one as a squad pet when stationed in Iraq. He didn't even bat an eyelash when my stepdaughter ran over to his yard (where her daddy was also) to show off the new chick we brought home this weekend lol.

I suppose I could call and ask but I'm so paranoid I'm afraid they'll trace my call and show up at my door lol....

Either way, I doubt anyone around here is going to complain. The "wild" animals make far more noise and what not than my sweet little chickens...

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