poll: are you legal or an outlaw?


I've been told by neighbors that we can't have chickens in our neighborhood ANYMORE, because someone down the street had geese that were loud, stinky and pooped all over the place. Someone else told me it's because someone really pushed it, and had a COW! (This is a small town residential neighborhood, about 2 blocks from downtown.) So as a result, I'M not allowed to have 2 nice, quiet, odorless pet hens??? Only a few blocks away, it's perfectly legal. NOT FAIR!

I actually tried to find out from the city what the ordinance is, but couldn't get their website to open that particular document. So I stopped trying, before I read what I didn't want to read!

I consider my girls "Emotional Support Animals" - they make me HAPPY!
I got tired of city rules so we bought this place a couple years back. I hope I'm not an "Outlaw" as I never checked with the township about any chicken ordinances before I got our chickens just this past week. I think I should be ok though, seeings how one of the buildings here is a 40' x 70' chicken coop. And we only have four Pullets and one Rooster.
I know...I know...I should have checked first, and seen if chickens are permited, live and learn I guess.

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Hi; I was BAAAD, got 23 chickens with 40 Cornish X on the way, then asked around if there were any ordinances. (I live in a small town in Arkansas where people can burn stinky plastic trash at all hours and live in trailers that barely have glass in the windows and adequate roofs) So I really didnt think having "a few" chickens in my somewhat large backyard mattered!! Today I found out that I am legal!!! No ordinance, just have to be penned and limit the odor!! Yippee! Told my family that we are now officially "chicken farmers"
I am somewhere in between,chicken wise up to code. But doubling the size of my deck and add a bigger than 8x8 shed without a permit,well.........ummmm.....can we drop the subject.You need a permit to replace a roof too? Oops.... $4000 a year in property taxes not counting water and trash,beach stickers.
Legal, but our zoning is weird.
Our parcel, along with the 23 houses in our subdivision, all sit on 1/2 acre or more. So we're zoned AG; agricultural. We can have all sorts of critters with hooves, chickens, etc., but the next block over has different zoning, so no ponies or goats but you can have chickens.
Sacramento just shot down owning chickens in the city limits.
Happily, I am not in the city.

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