poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

I guess I am an outlaw. I thought I was legal up to 12 chickens, but then I realized that those 12 chickens were allowed for people with lots over 15,000 sq. ft.
Actually, that's soon to be not true in the City of Sacramento. Looks like the City Council, as of a couple weeks ago, is planning on allowing three hens. CLUCK originally asked for 8, but you take what you can get, right? No roosters, of course.

No idea when they'll get around to actually signing it though. Things move slowly at the Council level.
I am allowed 15 chickens and up to 50 under 4 months old. At the moment 12 are over 4 months, but I will be in trouble in a few months...However, I plan on my bantams being permanent "3 month olds" which means I can keep 3-4 of my baby chicks I just hatched out. And some of them are bantam cochins so maybe... And of course the ducks don't count.
The way animal control acted last time they came I'm pretty sure they won't even come close enough to check. They were pretty scared of my babies. And I have a nice "neighbor" who owns the 2 lots next door, but doesn't live on them. I'm sure he'd let me keep chickens there in exchange for lawn care if push came to shove.
I forgot, no crowing roosters are allowed, but my neighbors said they don't mind one.
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... breakin' the law...

The zoning ordinances here actually classify all animals that are not cats, dogs, or dangerous (venemous, bears, cougars, hawks, etc) as livestock. No livestock in residential areas. So little Billy's hamster is illegal, too.
Right now I'm illegal because the city council postponed the vote yet again--pretty sure it will pass.
Proposed law makes it legal to have 8 hens, no slaughter. Nearest processor is 1 hour away. Rumor has it that they didn't want people sacrificing chickens in voodoo/satanc rites. Really, I had no idea we had so many voodoo/satanic cults around.

I did overhear a neighbor going down my alley say, "hey, they have chickens back there" and then quietly move on. Don't expect to hear anything else about it either.
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Soo outlaw !!! But they gotta catch me first !! I wish I lived in the country. But if you own a house in Florida and want out it's like a jail sentence with no release date in sight. You are stuck where you are no selling and moving else where here.
I am an outlaw! Ive got two call ducks in the suburbs. Had 5 chickens at my boyfriends but since his mom moved up north they went with her. My city is a stick in the mudd, my ball python is illegal too. City ordenance says no venomous or constricting reptiles. My python is a constricting snake yet I bought her from my city pet store. Hmmmmm how can they do that? I just need to lay low until my boyfriend and I can move to a poultry friendly city (hopefully within a year).
I'm in Florida too...and an outlaw. Practically every other house around here is in foreclosure. My house has lost 2/3 of it's value in the past 3 years!

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