Poll: Favorite egg layer


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS
Just curious what everyone's favorite breed is for egg laying purposes, and why.

If you post a breed, please also tell us why they are your favorite.

I'm still in search of a breed to be considered my main egg layers. I've tried red sex links, and white rocks, and wasn't terribly impressed with either. The sex link hens were MEAN and I've been having a good % of the rocks turning into egg eaters!

Thanks, and lets have fun with this!
My RIR win the prize here. Consistantly large eggs every day. The EE are right behind them. The EE did lay off for a short time in our SoCal winter, but the RIR kept going.
My barred rocks are great layers and they started laying first. They are a bit aggressive which could be good or bad depending on what you're looking for.

My EE was the last to start but she also lays nearly every day. She is shy around me and the rest of the flock.

The Wyandotte and Favorelle are the best pets I have but only medium layers.
RIRs hands down. Mine laid through hurricanes! They laid gorgeous BIG brown eggs without fail 365 days a year. I like my buff Rocks too, but they do slow down during the winter.


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