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Plymouth Rock!!!!!

Plymouth Rock Chickens have been nourishing my family for over 100 years. My great-great grandmother raised white rocks, her daughter the same. My grandmother hated everything about chickens. My mom raised barred rocks and taught me to raise them. I currently raise barred, white, and partridge rock. Guess which chicken the young rooster picked to raise this year...buff rocks. lol
Black Java's - a heritage breed, locally purchased (no shipping stressors - just my kids' hands in the brooder!), self-sustaining flock with very good egg laying capacity (average 17 eggs from 5 hens per week), haven't yet tasted, as I'm waiting for one of the girls to go broody and hatch some extra roosters for me!
My favorite chicken is the Cubalaya. I love how the purebred roosters stand! And their tails are gorgeous! Even hens would have long tails. I don't have any Cubalayas, but I wish I did. They're beautiful.

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