Poll Time: What color do you see here?

What colors are these eggs to you?

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You know how the make ant farms? Those little picture frame things that you see the ants tunneling around? I always thought it very cool to make a giant one with moles in it.
It take up the whole wall....
"That there's Ms. Betsie, I dug her up back in aught-nine, she's about the eldest critter I got her in this "plexy-under-glass" apparatus, she's about a hundred and nine in mole eras, but that don't slow her down atall....she still fights her kin over those mealy grubs....this un over here name's Jerome, cause he looks like the first moler I caught when was a youngin'...I had to let him go, Momma said if a drug another dirt crawling pest in her house, she'd tan my hide from here to Dixie...."

People actually apparently used to keep moles as pets. It's possible, but it's pretty hard to keep them fed, apparently.

All these eggs look like varying shades of brown to me. I would think if any were green they'd pop out more cause of the red egg basket, since red and green are complementary colors.

Using the color grab tool on photoshop
color grab was taken from where the black arrow is pointing
.....sometimes I get the feeling that many members live in some asylum somewhere and either snitched a phone off a orderly or wired an easy bake oven with a Reed seiko...

Yet I'm here too...🤔
i had to read that four times to understand it
might just be proving your point

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