Poll: Trying to decide on a second type of fowl to get

What second type of fowl to get?

  • Guineas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ducks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Turkeys

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Geese

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Divorce the DH & get peafowl?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You can have the Tom, those are the only ones I have that dont fly. My guineas have been known to roost on the roof rack of the van. I bet they would enjoy a nice light bar on a cruiser, just not sure how well they could hold on if he has to answer a call. [URL]http://planetsmilies.net/machine-smiley-5076.gif[/URL]

Oh my goodness! I forgot all about them getting on the patrol car. It's being parked outside the yard again, since the cows are being kept in the far pasture. Once the cows are turned loose on the place the cruiser will be back in the yard again I'm sure.

Then again, what can a turkey do to it that a cow hasn't already done?
Ducks will need a pond and if not a pond a pool. If a pool you will have to change it daily. But there is a land duck that does not require a pool called a muscovie(?). In FL we called them chinese ducks. They are more land than water only needing to soak head if they can not do whole body. There meat is dark and highly sought after in some markets. Down side they do not lay alot and they are larger than most other ducks more like geese.
I am very familiar with muscovies, since I grew up part time in Florida.
We have a pond, but I'm still leaning towards turkeys. Just haven't sprung the idea on DH yet.
McMurray has mandarin ducks available in late spring, or they did last year. Very expensive, but also very pretty. My luck some ol' redneck would wander onto the farm and shoot my very expensive pond decorations.
Poultry newbie here, but I think in your position I would be tempted to go for turkeys. You don't have to eat them. You have neighbours and family to do that dirty work, don't you?
From what I've read about ducks on this site, they'll mess up a chicken coop. And you don't really want a divorce, so peafowl are out. Turkeys, I've read, are easy-going and friendly, and can't make much more poo than cows, can they? (Of course, I want the vicarious experience of turkeys through you, because I don't have room!)
McMurray has mandarin ducks available in late spring, or they did last year. Very expensive, but also very pretty. My luck some ol' redneck would wander onto the farm and shoot my very expensive pond decorations.

If we get turkeys they will have a very long life here on the farm. We'll dine on ham instead. A co-worker of my DH's has offered us a hog anytime we want one. DH sooo knows better than to go there. If it lives on this farm it gets a name and you don't eat named things.
Depends on what you name them. My roosters are named Stew and my hens are called Dumplin'. I don't have much imagination.

Neighbors had guineas. They wandered everywhere. They would visit your neighbor. No to guineas.

We had ducks. If you would keep them separated from your chickens, they would do fine but you said you wanted them in the same coop. The water needs are so different you would have a problem. No to ducks.

That leaves turkeys and geese. I never had either. Both would probably be OK. But since you said you wanted turkeys, I'll vote for turkeys. Once you know what a lady wants, just agree with her.
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