Poll: What time do you go to the coop to let your chickens out?

I wait until 8 or 9 to let them out because we've had problems with early-morning predators in the past. I turn the barn light on in late afternoon and they come back at different times; everybody gets locked up around 9 p.m.
The girls start grump around 6:15. I try to let them out by 6:30. They love it on the days I set up at the farmers market cause I leave just after 6.
Somewhere between 6:30 - 7:30, I stumble outta bed, my eyes aren't always open completely and I wander out to the coops. As I'm walking the roo's hear me coming and start really crowing and the girls all chatter and clack really loud. I peek in and they are standing all lined up at the door. This may sound funny (my family thinks I'm obsessed with chickens...hahah) but I sing "Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor"...and so on....everytime I'm heading to the pens. The chickens love it and even during the day, they will all come running. Just one big happy flock!!
They make me sooo happy! I dig being so obsessed! hahaheee
I am not working DH leave's for work around 5 am.However A lot of time's It's 8:30 or after 9 am before I open the 2 free range coops up.We have fox and coyote and they have been spotted early morn so I usualy don't let them out until I get feeding done and water and get grandson settled and Im fully awake to at least check thing's out on the outside and can see what is going on.
The door opens at 6am and closes at 9pm. The girls put themselves to roost about 8:30pm. For Mother's Day my family installed an automatic chicken door. I LOVE it! It took me a little while to trust that it would actually open and close on it's own...but, now I am comfortable with it.
6:27 on weekdays, and 7:18 on weekends.
. It does seem to be almost the exact same time each day. My alarm goes off at 6:15... shower...chickens...dogs... coffee...email...work. What a creature of habit I am.
I think I have lazy birds - - I can go out at 9:00am and they are all still asleep on their roosts - even our Roo!! Yes there are several windows (5) in our coop, so I'm not sure what their deal is - - but it certainly makes me feel better if I'm running late that they aren't all up waiting to go out.

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