Poll: What time do you go to the coop to let your chickens out?

8:15am as our alarm goes off at 8 and hubby lets them out while he is letting the dogs out. We close them up in their barn about 8pm
The door opens itself at 5:00 and closes itself at 9:00 (adjusted seasonally). I'm surprised, I went through the whole thread and only 3 others have auto doors. I have the plans to build your own on my page, easy. I have my coop in a "fort knox" type of setup also but I want them closed. Its only fort knox until it isn't. I don't want to find out it "isn't".
They were b-Gawking at 5:55 like clockwork for a couple of weeks but they have started even earlier now.
I have to let them out before all 3 of them get going. It gets pretty noisy and while my neighbors have been tolerant so far I don't want to push it that early in the morning.

I actually caught them still asleep yesterday at about 5:30. I said "Oh I'm sorry.....did I wake you?"

I'm going to build the door open/closer. I love the antenna idea.
At sunrise when the automatic door opener lets them out while I'm still dreaming ..... clap

Someone is spoiled..
During the week about 6:45. But I am doing run cleaning, scrubbing their waters and feeders before they are let out. I have been very good about cleaning up droppings in their run and their chicken yard daily. After I let them into their run, I then pick up all their droppings with rubber gloves. This way I do not have to do a big cleaning at the end of the week. I also add bedding daily as needed.

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