'pond' ideas


Apr 5, 2015
As of now I only have 2, 2 week old ducklings

I've converted their old 50 gal tote brooder into a swimming hole
I have some pathway stones in to create a ramp to get up and out

I plan on 2 - ish more rouen ducks, maybe a male blue swedish as well

I WAS going to get a large hard plastic baby pool (the kind with the built in slide, I'll try to grab a pic offline)
And drill a hole for drainage (using a cork to stop it up when it's not being drained)

Would it be big enough or should I do something larger?

this is what I was planning on:

As of now I only have 2, 2 week old ducklings

I've converted their old 50 gal tote brooder into a swimming hole
I have some pathway stones in to create a ramp to get up and out

I plan on 2 - ish more rouen ducks, maybe a male blue swedish as well

I WAS going to get a large hard plastic baby pool (the kind with the built in slide, I'll try to grab a pic offline)
And drill a hole for drainage (using a cork to stop it up when it's not being drained)

Would it be big enough or should I do something larger?

this is what I was planning on:

Those ones should already have a hole in them. My kids used them the last few summers but I didn't use it for ducks. It was too deep and hard to try to build a ram to. I used a smaller kiddie pool, without the slide, last summer and it worked well but was a pain to dump. I tried to drill and home for easy drainage and it cracked the pool, however it was really old a brittle. This year we have a stock tank and I'm pulling out the small kiddie pool again since I have 6 ducks and my male is being kinda a pain about mating and hogging up the stock tank.

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