Ponderous and humongous Brahmas


Penrod has done a bit of growing since this was taken, but it depicts how colorful he is.

"Ponderous" and "Brahma" should always be used together. I have three Light Brahma three-year old hens and two Buff pullets. All are as sweet and calm as can be. The older girls have always been decent layers, but haven't laid for months. I have a hunch, once the pullets all start laying up a storm, it'll inspire the older girls.
He's handsome!
But he still has alot of growing and filling out to do. Once he gets those other colors across his saddle and the iridescent blue/green in his tail feathers he'll be the envy of all the roos.

Are your older girls molting? Seemed like mine took forever with this last molt, but they did start laying again at roughly the same time as my younger girls (not brahmas) started for the first time.
Molting! Oh god! Did they ever molt that first year! One got "stuck-in-molt" and I was frantic over it and came to this forum for solutions. We had some molting this fall, but not anything like that first one! They've yet to resume laying from this molt.

Yes, Brahmas are super chickens in every way. They're exceptionally people-friendly as babies, and grow up to be about as laid-back as a chicken can be. And they seem very intelligent and wise, but that's probably mostly due to their demeanor. I do believe they think they're royalty, though. My three big girls usually wait on their roost, after the others have all hopped down, and have come to expect me to lift them down so they don't have to ruffle their queenly feathers.

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