Pool filter for Duck pond

I have a ~2000 gal pond with 6 ducks, lots of frogs and a few hundred minnows lol. I've had a lot of success using a biofilter of river stones and mechanical filter that includes a filter cartridge and UV light clarifier. I also use beneficial bacteria with barley extract. I never drain the pond. I do get some algae growth on the rocks but the ducks and fish eat it so I let it stay...

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How do the minnows and frogs do? We are excavating now but won't be up and running until spring. Was wondering what could share the space with our 4 Muscovy. Our pond will be about 12ft by 20ft, by 3ft deep.
Lots of us use kiddie pools or half barrels for our ducks. Does anyone have tips for keeping those cleaner? Even halving my water use would be more eco-friendly.

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