Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

How wide are your poop boards? How do attach your branch? how high off the ground? We're getting close to having our coop done, woo hoo!

Sorry for the delay in responding, we were away on vacation. Do you still need the information? I'm happy to go out and measure if you do. :)
YES! I made the shelf at waist height so no bending to clean. I simply scoop, shake and throw it away. The PDZ absorbs the odor so it does not smell, even after several days! I try to do it every 2-3 days max so I keep the moisture down in the coop since I have alot of chickens

so do they just jump up? how about the youngsters? I'm just getting my coop finished and am not sure how I'm going to train my guys...
so do they just jump up? how about the youngsters? I'm just getting my coop finished and am not sure how I'm going to train my guys...

Yes they will just jump up on their own no real training necessary. The little guys sometimes can't get up there yet and will sleep on the floor of the coop for a bit but they too will find their way up in no time at all.

A bird naturally wants to roost high so it's instinct for them to get up there just build it and they will roost

Good luck!
I used an old desk top...put up sides to it. Mine is elevated so it didn't take away from their floor/sq footage. I put sand and PDZ in mine and do not clean it enough, but still does not smell bad. This pix is when it was brand new - poop free :) I will be changing out the pine savings this week for sand/PDZ on the floor too...

What are some suggestions for the poop boards. This thread it too big to go through it all. Thanks
Something like boot trays?
Would make the thread even bigger if we all posted our pics again

Try the 'recent pics posted on this thread over on the right hand side near the top, click on 'view all' and you can browse thru the photos.
(works on laptop, not sure if it's there for mobile apps).
On my android device when I select a picture in any post it automatically loads the pics from the entire thread and I can browse them with just the swipe of my finger.
It is not there on mobile. I went through a bunch of pages and I guess I just should ask if anyone knows of a large plastic or metal tray I could use with pdz in a raised wood frame for easy slide out cleaning? 10' across

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