Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

this is the one we like, because of the side gussets-no spillage. also, we will be using joist hangers so i can lift out the 2 x4 roost posts when ever i need to hose them off and ours will be the same height to cut down on fighting. Right now the roost is fixed in place and we have to lift the whole unit out to clean it. You can find more hammock styles by goggling hammocks in chicken coops. If you use a tarp instead of outdoor fabric-- I'm not sure the manure will dry out as quickly.
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this is the one we like, because of the side gussets-no spillage. also, we will be using joist hangers so i can lift out the 2 x4 roost posts when ever i need to hose them off and ours will be the same height to cut down on fighting. Right now the roost is fixed in place and we have to lift the whole unit out to clean it. You can find more hammock styles by goggling hammocks in chicken coops. If you use a tarp instead of outdoor fabric-- I'm not sure the manure will dry out as quickly.

Thank you for posting. If the chickens fall off the roost is it difficult for them to get out of the hammock? I will goggle it. Thanks again
Your welcome, the mental picture of seeing one of my girls failing around in a hammock was just too funny. I don't know if they would have a problem, but seeing how many people are successfully using them, I would assume there is no problem. However, you have made me think that it would be important to have it well sew together so it would hold up to a chicken falling in and having to push off while flying out.Thanks.
Thanks for the link to the article. DH and I are going to finish the coop this weekend, hopefully! And just in time as my girls are quickly outgrowing their box in the garage. Likely won't be able to move their food and water outside right away since I don't know if the run will be completed this weekend or not, but now I know that I really do want the food and water outside the coop, yet another thing I had been debating.
Ren2014, I finally found the whole story about the improvements to the coop, poop hammock, and redo on the waters, and feeders...http://www.communitychickens.com/2011/07/clean-keeping-of-coop.html.. hopefully you find inspirations too. Post any pictures!
That was really helpful with the food and water. I have a tiny flock and tiny coop, so cleaning isn't a big issue (though I do have a poop board and am now using PDZ).

I had the food and water in the coop while they were in coop training, but once I opened the door, they stayed in the coop two extra days and then I had to encourage them to leave each morning. Once I stopped feeding them in the coop, they started leaving leaving the coop shortly after I opened the door. Duh.

I still have water in the coop, as well as in the run. I have it elevated, but I may as well remove it completely from the coop. We get overnight freezes in the winter, but weather isn't really an issue during the day when they'd be in the run. We have a hardware cloth "sun roof" over the run that we cover when it rains, and already know the run stays dry. I really like the idea of using river rocks to raise the food. Such a good article. Gave me lots of ideas. Thank you!
That was really helpful with the food and water. I have a tiny flock and tiny coop, so cleaning isn't a big issue (though I do have a poop board and am now using PDZ).

I had the food and water in the coop while they were in coop training, but once I opened the door, they stayed in the coop two extra days and then I had to encourage them to leave each morning. Once I stopped feeding them in the coop, they started leaving leaving the coop shortly after I opened the door. Duh.

I still have water in the coop, as well as in the run. I have it elevated, but I may as well remove it completely from the coop. We get overnight freezes in the winter, but weather isn't really an issue during the day when they'd be in the run. We have a hardware cloth "sun roof" over the run that we cover when it rains, and already know the run stays dry. I really like the idea of using river rocks to raise the food. Such a good article. Gave me lots of ideas. Thank you!

I may do some or all of these improvements. the PDZ is the, I best can't live without it. I will still have water in the coop, I worry if I had a emergency and didn't make it to the coop, they could suffer from heat stroke, in hot weather, if they didn't have any water. they could be late on food-mad, but they'd be fine. I also run a fan in the hottest weather. I guess I'm a worrywart.
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Your welcome, the mental picture of seeing one of my girls failing around in a hammock was just too funny. I don't know if they would have a problem, but seeing how many people are successfully using them, I would assume there is no problem. However, you have made me think that it would be important to have it well sew together so it would hold up to a chicken falling in and having to push off while flying out.Thanks.
I just thought of it since hammocks can be difficult for people to get out of, even with a foot on the ground, lol

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