Poop Question-runny and very smelly*UPDATE*


11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
Thurston County, WA
Suddenly the brooder in my house is getting very smelly. I have cleaned it out entirely every other day with no problems and now the last couple of days it is out of control. It smells very bad and very strong, this is with only three chicks, also all of theri poop is runny not just every 5 or 6 times.

Is this the sign of an illness? I will post recent pics of them in a moment..........

thanks in advance

*update here*

So I moved the brooder out in to my large outside coop. My coop houses 5 Barred Rocks and 3 Cochins and it doesn't smell. I went inside to refill the food and water and when I came back out it reeked to high heaven. It is definitely those three chicks.

Is it possible that a breed of chicken can have stronger smelling poop than others? I don't get it. I had 6 barred rocks in that same brooder for 3.5 weeks with no smell. Now 3 Ameraucanas and it's smells like really strong human diarrhea or something-bad. I just keep thinking that there is something wrong with them! I clean out their enclosure 4 times in the last 11 days and it just won't stop stinking!!
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id say they're about ready to get kicked out (4 weeks?) i couldnt stand the smell the last few weeks and i cleaned it everyday!
I'd have to say

2. cecal - stinky, stinky, stinky! This is runny and you will know it when you see it. OMG it stinks. It comes from a loop in their intestines. Did I mention it smells bad? It's normal, too. Happens roughly every 5-6 poops.

It smells very strong I cleaned out their enclosure and one of them pooped on the plastic crate before I added new bedding and it smelled up my living room. Not exaggerating it's bad.
At 4 weeks old my chicks started to really stink. I thought something was wrong so I went looking here on BYC and found the thread where jenspeeps give you the scoop on poop.

When I realized it was this cecal poop which happens every 5-6 days I figured it was time to get them in the coop before the whole house stinks.

I just put them in there permanent this Saturday they are 35 days old and are doing fine.

I had to air the basement for an entire day before the smell went away.

Thanks jenspeeps for the for clearing the air!

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