poop vs. lawn


9 Years
Jun 13, 2010
Wasilla, Alaska
I live in a very high eagle populated area and for this reason I cant let my chickens range freely. I am planning on building a chicken tractor and move them to a 1/2 acre lawn area. I am wondering what their poop will do to my lawn. Will it burn the grass. It is a nicely manucured lawn in the back of my home. I hate for all that lawn/food to go to waste. I do feed them the clipping after I mow it, however I want my chickens to be able to graze. Please let me know... I may have to come up with another idea if its bad for the lawn.
I have moved a run amd within a day, all the grass is gone. Dead. Eaten. Scratched to pieces. I would reccomemd another idea.
Your lawn will love it if the birds are moved regularly. Your birds will love it even more. Your buggs will surely be turned into fertilizer for sure. It's a win win win situation. Just remember to move them often. You'll figure it out. I have had the best lawn in town for a long time due mostly in part to "MY CHICKENS". Keep them out of one spot for too long and things will work out well.
It shouldn't be too bad. Ours free range and the only problem is stepping in it.
We have a huge pile from the tree where they roost. Don't use a lot for a garden. Good for corn.
I am no expert but think it depends on how many chickens, how big the tractor is and how long it stays there. and probably a bit on how much digging/foraging they do and how bored they are. I've kept 4 chickens that I would call average foragers/diggers in a 40 s.f. tractor for 1 day and the grass was totally fine. 2 days and it started looking a little shabby. More than that and it looked pretty bad. Sounds like you have a lot of chickens (14?) I think you'd need quite a big tractor to keep them from damaging the grass - might be best to try some things before building the tractor.

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