Poopy feather stuck on baby chick, tried cutting

I just don't understand why it's being suggested to put chick under a heat lamp when it's with mother hen? And why would chick being possibly cold cause the poopy feather on its head?

If you use water to wash off the poop, then the chick is wet, and then it gets cold.
If that happened, you could put it under a heat lamp while it dries.

(I think that's what's being suggested, although since I'm not the one who made the suggestions, I might be wrong.)

Edit: forgot to mention, "pasty butt" (poop stuck on chick's butt) is common, and sometimes caused by chick being stressed (like by cold). The person who suggested pasty butt must not have realized that your chick had poop on the head.
If you use water to wash off the poop, then the chick is wet, and then it gets cold.
If that happened, you could put it under a heat lamp while it dries.

(I think that's what's being suggested, although since I'm not the one who made the suggestions, I might be wrong.)
Hmm, they said to blow dry chick. But keep mother hen with chick. I don't have a heat lamp anyway.. Sometimes it's hard to understand conversations on here rather then talking in person.. Looks like I'll have to leave chick as is since I don't have a heat lamp, too risky it getting chilled if I wet chick trying to clean it.
Take a wet paper towel and try to wipe it off it may some what take an hour sometimes but usally less than 30 minutes its called pasty but it comes from stress or if ur chicks to cold try putting a heat pad under mama hen for extra warmth u dont wanna over cook ur chicken if it seems weak give it garlic applesider vingear water or green tea but i dont fully recommend green tea just use gralic applsider vingear honey water i would nt sugeest green tea espically cause there young chicks
Using a wet paper towel is good idea, but it's not pasty butt, it's my understanding that it's a feather from someone else stuck to its head with poop.

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