Poopy run!


Oct 14, 2019
England, UK
Hi all! I am fairly new to chicken keeping and wondering if anyone could advise me on how to keep my run clean?!
I have an eglu go up, with 3meter extension for 4 chickens who roam the garden and play on their swing in the run during the day.
Under the run I have plastic chicken netting on top of dirt, and then layer of wood chips on top. My girls poop constantly and the run is getting a bit smelly and mucky. I've hosed the chips down which helped initially, they haven't really dried out since we've had bad rain for weeks. Not sure how to optimise drainage underneath.
I've ordered some agricultural lime, DE and pine shavings and my plan is to get lots of lime down and mixed in, followed by the DE and then when it's all mixed I'll top with pine shavings.
Is this a good idea?! I'm not sure if I've even chosen the right flooring or if there is a better option out there. Thanks for the advice!
I use a hoe and paint scraper, pictures of your run would help, I use the paint scraper on the nest boxes I should add... I just have a dirt bottom for the run with fence dug under it so no predators dig under it. I've never had a problem with poop filling up, I just throw grass in for them, they dig through it, poop on it, dries up, rain washes it away, the dirt turns into mud, also getting rid of the poop. Sometimes I use straw on the ground in the run to and when it rains I throw it out, which leads to very little poop left in the run.
Not sure how to optimise drainage underneath.
This would be the first thing to do, get the enclosure to somewhere that drains well.
Water + poop = stink.
No bedding will help that scenario.
Lime might help, DE won't.
I use large wood chippings and some smaller stuff,
but I have a large run with good drainage.
Not sure what to do with small enclosure like you have.
Since it is small and lightweight, can you move it to a new spot every week?
I did try this, and the grass gets destroyed really quickly I think I'm going to make a good tarp canopy and start again with new wood chips after establishing a spot with good drainage! I do have the roof of the coop covered but sounds like I need the area rain proofed! Thanks for advice all.

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