Poor Nutmeg...


11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
Munfordville, KY
Is In Broody Jail And She Is Not Happy. She went broody around 3 days ago, shes only 6 months old, shes a mixed BO/RIR I hatched out in March. I have had almost every one of my hens go broody this year! I've decided to not give her any eggs and try to break her out of her broodiness. I've read to keep her in a cage for a couple of days so the air can cool her down.?

...i don't know much about the broody thing---but i do know a nice looking bird when i see one--
-she's a beaut ......if it was me , i'd let her hatch a few---
Thank You... she really is pretty and soft. Shes sweet too... Oh gosh now you got me thinkin about letting her!
But I'm already up to 70... Chickens
I just had to break a broody because I don't have a roo any more, so no more fertile eggs. It took about three days. I goofed up the first night and let her go back into the coop so she went straight back to the nest. So for the next two nights, she got to sleep in broody jail. It worked, though.
i saw the pic and i thought "A Broody RIR? really?"
Then i saw that its half Buff Orp and i can totally believe that! I have a BO broody that is in jail at least every month! She's lucky i put up with her being broody all the time!

Thanks Everyone...

Jeeper1540: lol... I think everyone of my BO's went broody this year, I've got 20something of them (I need to count them again, I forget).

I know right... I've got 4 eggs in my bator! Dh has made some calls, we are waiting to get an estimate on how much to fix.
I remember once I had dueling broody wars. A black cochin hen and some sort of red hen were taking turns setting on a clutch of eggs. Personally I liked the red hen better. I called her Babs and she was sweet.

Once we came into the hens coop and they were both crammed on top of the eggs. I laughed and called them silly.

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