Poor Rooster!!!

m&m chickens

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 11, 2011
i don't know what to do!! we have the sweetest polish rooster, but he looks awful!! his head is bald, except for a few feathers and now his girls are going after his tail!! He's a great protector, and does an awesome job keeping everyone in line and safe, and he's super sweet, so obviously we want to keep him. But why does he let his girls pluck out his feathers?? These are free range birds and we caged him for almost 3 weeks to get his feathers to grow back....but 1 week with his girls (he has 8) and he's bald again!!! Does anyone have any experience with this type of behavior?? When I go to let them out, he runs towards me to be picked up - kinda like he's saying "help!!!" Why is he letting them do this? This is the same flock he's been with for almost 2 years!!?? Any ideas??? I feel so bad for him...
wish I can help ! not sure why they are doing this! are they different breeds? sizes difference? does he have mites? just thinking. hens probably being a bully.
No mites...that was my first thought. Cleaned the house, the fenced in pen area, and dusted all the birds. They are different breeds, but they were all raised together. Not too much variance in size, all very docile. They all look healthy otherwise. No feather loss, great eggs layers. Even he looks fine...eating, drinking, pooping, it's just the feather plucking. I guess since all else looks fine with him, I just have to accept it :-(
Your girls must think "Bald" is sexy!

Sorry, I am no help.

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