Poor traumatized pullets


In the Brooder
May 3, 2015
So, I had 6 chickens, I knew two were roosters and had an inkling about the third. Day one, I went out and got the two definite roosters (no roosters in my city) to rehome. The girls were a bit shaken, but not crazy. Very next day the possible rooster, turned full strutting, crowing rooster so I had to pick him up too! The three girls left will not leave the coop now. I have bribed them with all their favorites - but they literally run away from me. Should I just sit in their run with mealworms until they come around? To be honest, I've got a pretty crazy life (kids etc) so I don't have much time just to hang with the girls.......but I'll do it if I have to!

(Btw, the capturing of the roosters did not go smoothly - this part of the trauma!)
Get rid of the cockerels....and give the pullets time to readjust, just leave them be, they'll come out when they're ready.

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