poorly chick

Raw garlic's a natural antibiotic, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, antimicrobial, etc etc etc... Has over 30 natural antibiotics in it and when you freshly crush or cut it, Allicin develops from the enzyme interaction, and this is so potent it can kill bacteria that the most powerful man made antibiotics can't. Garlic's also high in sulfur and this speeds healing and also helps by being antiparasitic. As another benefit, garlic prevents, and cures, coccidiosis.

There's a lot of natural herbs and spices with proven medical benefits you can feed them.

Best wishes with her/him.
Pleased to report that my poorly chick is no longer poorly!
she's doing really well and went back in with the other chicks great- a handful of feed at the same time as i put her in with them did wonders
The dried up gunk fell off today and underneath looks healthy enough. i think she's going to have a bald patch though. i've put wound powder on it and i'll keep an eye on her to check she doesn't get another infection.
I gave her chopped boiled egg and fresh garlic while she was ill and it worked great.
not a very good picture but you can see it's loads better than before

and she still loves her cuddles- she thinks she's a parrot!
So nothing but garlic and egg to eat...well probably chick food too....no other meds needed?

They heal up amazingly well.

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I just used wound powder on it and kept her warm and really clean. I had the penicillin in case she started showing signs of being ill but luckily she never needed it.
As long as she doesn't get another infection I think she'll be ok.
Everyone's totally amazed that she pulled through. A very tough chickie!
What is wound powder?

I've seen some pretty grisly injuries, huge patches of skin gone, that healed up rather quickly and well.
Wound powder's an antibacterial powder that you dust over wounds to protect against infection. You can get different ones for different animals and I've used it on everything- chickens, mice, rats, dogs, cats, horses... Its great stuff and I always make sure I have some

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