poorly chicken

julie barber

10 Years
Apr 20, 2014
One of my 4 chickens has been poorly for a few days. About three weeks ago she showed the same symptoms and we wormed them all she picked up but the symptoms have returned I am worming them again but she has not picked up, I have checked for egg bound and tried oil but nothing present. She sits lethargic all day, tail down, comb down, white diarrhoea with a green poo this morning, she is drinking but not really eating any ideas, am going to try live yoghurt today but still worried any idead
Thankyou, still concrrned.

She is much the same, wondering if the vet would have an idea. Have given her live yoghurt today
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Unfortuntly we took priscilla to the vets this morning, our suspisions were confirmed peritonitis, so they put her too sleep rip
i am sorry for your loss
Hello one of my girls is sick again, still eating, not laying, swollen soft abdomen tail down most of the time, poop looks normal though not as much of it as usual not green. I hope its not eyp again, given natural yoghurt, olive oil and wormed them all, no sign of red mites at all. Any ideas please

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