Poorly colored bar rock??

11 or 12 I can’t remember. For Bruce it was 🍗 but for 9 hens it was 🐺 or a predator that my camera didn’t pick up because it was knocked over (very suspiciously) 5 minutes before the attack. 3 BRs lived, and 1 of those had some strange genetic thing pop up this summer. I euthanized her. That’s alright though because I still have two 😅
So your superior hatchery had something genetic ‘pop up’ and you’re criticizing a feed store purchase??? :rolleyes:
Obviously just a guess, but it seems like maybe a silver penciled rock rooster jumped the fence into the barred rock pen and made a little magic happen.
That could be too! Especially since I’m sure they keep the rocks near each other. But I know some hatcheries have very high pens and/or roofs so not sure if it’d be possible.
I’m not displeased with their coloring. I paid $0.25 each out of the straight run bin. 8/8 were pullets (I was wanting one or two cockerels.... it’s probably why I had straight pullets).
For two bucks I’m extremely happy with my odd ones.
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17 weeks old now.
I have no clue what they’re crossed with, but the four of these get more comments than what I ever imagined a chicken would.
She looks a lot like my DOM x BO except that mine has softer, more muted barring. Perhaps a BR male over BO female?

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