Poorly Duck? Advise please


In the Brooder
Aug 6, 2015
United Kingdom
Hello, Me again

Over the past few days Ive noticed one of my girls hasn't been herself, I nick named her Physco - only in joke as she's quite a feisty girl but she's a big softy really.

Anyway she is normally happy to go in the pond and hang out with the others but over the past few days she has spend most of the day on her own, she will be at one end of the duck house and the others at the opposite side, the others are not rejecting her when she chooses to join in with them the others are fine.

She won't go in the pond though she just stands on the side and has drinks.

They are mating at the moment but I wouldn't say she is being targeted the most for mating with.

When I put her in the pond she gets straight back out

Today Ive noticed lots and white goo coming out instead of squishy duck poo - I'm sure we are all familiar with duck poo

She is just not herself and she's worrying me

Attached is a picture of what has been coming out of her today , Her bum is also dripping with this stuff and it looks swollen to me

She is laying at the moment but I can't say when she last passed an egg as I have 4 females laying eggs at the moment and they all lay in the same place and I get different quantities of eggs every day

Thanks again


Hi Kathy

Thank you for the advice and link to the thread. I am considering taking her to the vets in the morning depending on how I find her when I let her out in the morning . I am unable to do anything now as it is 11.40pm here in UK

Thanks again

I phoned the vets on saturday morning and they advised me to see how she is over the weekend and if no better take her in tomorrow (monday)

Things seem to be getting worse.

She looked a little shivery today so I separated her and looking her in my garage where there is central heating.

She will not go in water to bathe , I made her a little bath with clean warm water , put her in , she looks so uncomfortable in water and she jumped straight back out in the first 10 seconds.

When in the garage I gave her a little cuddle expecting her to want to be put down after a few seconds which she normally does, she stayed there for 30mins just sitting on my lap.

She isn't massively into her food, she is eating but not like normal

She is drinking fine

She isn't laying at the moment

As mentioned in the first post she was pooping the white goo out but today she is pooping out yellow what looks like human bile.

its really not looking goof for her is it? she's only 11 months old , I'm gutted

could this be the result of a stuck egg or should it have passed by now?

Taking her to the vets tomorrow for sure


Lauren UK
She isn't massively into her food, she is eating but not like normal

She is drinking fine
Have you tried feeding her treats? I was having a problem with a duck recently and Amiga suggested that to me. My duck, who hadn't been eating properly, could not get enough peas. I took frozen peas, added them to hot water to defrost, then put the peas just covered with water into her pen. She totally ate that up.

If you take her to the vet tomorrow, please let us know what s/he says.
I wish I could be more helpful.

They get peas everyday the hoover them up like Vacuum's

Her poop is no longer the white goo as pictured in my original posting but its bright yellow like when humans sick up bile/stomach acid



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