Poorly Feathered Quail Chick


Loves Hatching
5 Years
May 28, 2015
South Louisiana
:frow hi! Im only 6 months or so into keeping poultry, these 15 are the first quail ive Hatched. Aside from these quail, ive hatched at 85-90% in my brinsea octogon. Ive only previously had 6 quail, from a breeder, but i had to proccess 3 as extra males.

These eggs came from a poor breeder, they were very poopy and dirty, as well as thin shelled, half of them were cracked, obviously calcium defficent :/ i bought 90 eggs and only have 15 chicks! Jus fyi; I confronted the woman after i saw what i had bought, but it was a week later, and its not like i wanted Her to replace them!

So my question is about one of those chicks, now 12 days old. Fed on Dumor starter at 27%, given water and weekly one day alternating to Sav-a-Chic Electrolytes and Probiotics formulas.

He :)fl) is slight smaller than the rest of the hatchers, and his feathers are still encased and growing sort of crooked. I was advised that he seems to be having a problem thriving, and to give him a few lil shoots of nutridrench. Thats currently my plan. Regardless of the sex of the bird, i realize it isnt breeding stock, and the plan is to proccess him when i sort the males out. Im just looking for answers as to what could cause





As the others seem to do fine, I assume it's a genetic thing. There are diseases that can cause abnormal feather growth, but let's hope that's not the problem here.
The quail chicks have made three wks old now, the one thats developed slower is now called Curly. Hes looking better for the nutridrench treatment and enrichment. His siblings are now feathered enough of their adult feathers to be sexed by appearence, if the speckled chest vs red chest is to be believed with this line, which im unsure of.




:frow hello again DK, glad your back!! Their chest colors are very distinct arent they? Im hoping it doesnt hold true though because then theres only Two Pharroh colored hens :(

Im so glad that theyre all still alive, including Curly! (Who names a quail?! :he) Lost 11 of my last hatch (normal LF chicks) to Cocci so when you said the "D" word i almost cried. You dont think its illness though because none of them are dying?

:frow thanks for ur time! Have a Great Day!
In theory it could be a D-thing that's not serious enough to kill them on its own, but then it might lower their immune system and make them more susceptible to other diseases. But as the others still look healthy, I don't think that's the case. Though I'll just mention that there are D's that birds need to be infected with at a certain age to show symptoms, so they could all be carrying a D (this is stuff I read about parrots though, but there is probably something similar for quail). But let's not talk more about D's :p The rest of your birds look healthy so that's great! And yes, the chest colors do seem to yell FEMALE and MALE :p

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