Poorly Henrietta

RM Teacher

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 25, 2014
Hi I am Gunter S. from Wolverhampton, UK. My grand parents had a small hold with lots of chickens (ca 40). I always loved chicken and having retired from teaching, I finally was able to purchase 6 Reds. Having had a career in cabinet making I was able to produce a coop for the chickens. See picture below. I have only limited space and given each chicken one square metre in the coop plus the house. I let them free during the day, where they can run around the back garden.
Unfortunately, my one chicken had a prolaps and I am desperate to get some help of how to help my greatest layer called Henrietta. I immediately separated her from the others. I bathed her to clean the prolaps then blow-dried her gently. She seemed to enjoy that. I tried to push the prolaps back and used preparation H to help her. All this was recommended on another chicken website. The trouble is she still lays eggs and by doing so pushes the prolaps out again. I hoped that in the little hospital, wich I built, in order to keep her in semi dark to discourage her from laying failed. So what else can I do? She doesn't seem to be in pain and she has a good appetite. I make sure her environment is daily cleaned to avoid infection. Bytheway culling is not an option.
Otherwise I look forward to be educated about chickens by all you out there. I look forward to hear from you.
Bless you all,

Welcome to BYC!

I am so sorry about your bird. You do need to post this in our emergency section for more help....


But..she does need to stop laying to get her to heal. So you need to get her back in this cage or area and keep her in a semi darkened place. Dim light only for 8 hours a day and then complete darkness for 16 hours. She may lay one egg if it is already in the pipe, but she should quit. This darkness will also throw her into a molt and this will stop her from laying as well. Keep up with the Prep H until the swelling is down, and keep putting it back in.

Good luck with your baby. I hope you can get her healed soon.
Thank you all for some very good advice. Especially the timing for semi darkness and full blackout. I have contacted a vet who is a member of our church, unfortunately, she mentioned that it is very difficult to treat sick chickens and they should therefore be culled. I don't want to go down that road as I love this chicken who laid some amazing eggs.
I am very pleased about your kindness to help and it is so appreciated, thank you.
I think some vets rush to mention culling because they figure most people won't spend money on a chicken. They are so wrong. Just the same I wouldn't patronize a vet that offers that as the only option.
Hope the advice and suggestions will heal Henrietta.
It's great to know there are fellow believers among chicken lovers. I pray that my Henrietta makes a full recovery as animal are part of Gods creation. She just has been bathed, blow-dried and her prolaps put back. I followed previous advice of minimal light exposure and after 8 hours to be in total darkness. Nevertheless, could anybody tell me how much in weight food I should give my chicken in order to help her with the healing process of the prolaps? I would really appriciate your feedback.
Blessings to you all.
Hi there, thank you so much for your kind advice. I followed your tips on reducing the light exposure. I just bathed, blow-dried and pushed back her prolaps. Henrietta is great, she let everything happen to her without any problems. Again it seems she enjoyed the treatment, considering her poor health. I cleaned the coop (I call it the Hospital), sterilised it and provided food and fresh water. I just asked another member of the Forum how much in weight food I should give my chicken in order to help with her healing progress? Any suggestions?
Thanks again for your kind help
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Hi there, thank you so much for your kind advice. I followed your tips on reducing the light exposure. I just bathed, blow-dried and pushed back her prolaps. Henrietta is great, she let everything happen to her without any problems. Again it seems she enjoyed the treatment, considering her poor health. I cleaned the coop (I call it the Hospital), sterilised it and provided food and fresh water. I just asked another member of the Forum how much in weight food I should give my chicken in order to help with her healing progress? Any suggestions?
Thanks again for your kind help
I would give her as much food as she will eat. Make sure she has enough light to see to eat and drink. But don't let the light go past 8 hours. Hopefully she doesn't have an egg in the pipes and will stop soon.

Let her free feed. You might get her some starter or a flock raiser without the calcium for now. But you can help her gain weight with hard boiled eggs, rice, other soft foods.

Good luck with her and keep us posted! I hope she makes a full recovery. :)

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