Porcelain d'Uccle Bantam Thread


Chicken Photographer
8 Years
Feb 5, 2015
Hello! I thought i would start a thread about the Porcelain d'Uccle bantam. It doesn't seem to be a popular breed, but i'm getting one hen very soon and i would like to see everyone else's flock of them. (That is if they have them) I hope this starts to become a popular breed soon! PLease post your thoughts pictures comments and more.
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Or is there anybody here that has a proclain d'Uccle? If so I'd love to here about your experience! I'm getting one very soon.
I have some, and they are beautiful kind and smart. They are like any other bantam but the have some issues with their feathered feet and can break a blood feather very easily and also have some problem roosting with the feathers but other than that they are the most cutest and cuddliest bantam ever. These are my roosters i have some pics of my hens but i will send them latter.

Aww very cute! :clap What do you you mean they can break a blood feather? I will be getting 6 bantams including one porcelain d'Uccle bantam with a golden sebright bantam, 4 silkie bantams, and a silver spangled Hamburg. Is this a good mix?
I love all those breed and the silkies, spangled Hamburg, porcelains, and sebrights. The sebrights are noisy sassy little things but absolutely beautiful! They can become friendly and have a funny personality but aren't the most interacting bantams or that's my experience with my to golden girls. The silkies are just the cuddliest and the most kindest little things. Mine always went broody and became great mommas. Porcelain or any d'Uccle bantam will have a wonderful personality and will bond with anyone and are very good with anything you place them with. They are also gorgeous the spangled Hamburg is basically the same. Oh, the blood feathers are the feathers that grow on the silkies and d'Uccle bantams feet. They are full of blood and so if the bantam hits or damages one of them the feather will bleed and will make it hard for the bantams to walk or purch. When my girls or boys have that problem I give them a bath and clean their feets. If the blood continues you have to pull the feather out and place a tissue to where you pulled it from and you have to be quick and strong or it will hurt the bird. The bird should stop if not keep the tissue on and keep the the bantam in the house for the night or more. Feathers feet is something that needs to be checked on every day and the feet need to be cleaned every week or less than that depending on their environment.
Great thanks! They'd have to get along even if they didn't want to because I ordered them all yesterday. ;) They should be here in the end of February.
Also that's good to know, thank you!
Could Cochins have this happen to them? I have two and I have been trying to train them to sleep in the hen house for months now, and they keep sleeping outside on top of the chick brooder. I'm wondering if they can't get up or something, because I have to put them up each night.
yeah I understand we had some cochin hens and some liked high places and the others liked the low. Any bird that has feathered feet can have problems with their feathers but some do just fine.

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