Porcelain Silkies

Angie! So glad to run into you here!! I'm working a bit on porcelains also. Bren has wonderful birds and is a really good person. I've also ended up with some Mihalik birds--he's wonderful too! And some from Ryanne and John. Getting much better birds now that I've expanded the gene pool.
Does George have a website?
Do I understand correctly, then that the Isobel will be a more even color and buff over lavender, while the porcelain has some spottiness? Obviously, I'm still a bit confused. My own two have pretty even coloring, very light buff over light lavender, while the roo I got recently has some splashing in his hackles and tail and only a very little buff. A very pretty bird.

I have a nice lavender roo from Bren's lines, 'though he isn't the parent of the "accidental" porcelains. Nearly all of my first Silkies and Showgirls were from Bren, so the lavender genes are likely. I now also have a very young Showgirl that appears to be porcelain. Am eager to see how it develops.
Do I understand correctly, then that the Isobel will be a more even color and buff over lavender, while the porcelain has some spottiness?

Well isobel can mean lavender over buff, & in that case it is supposed tobe an even kind of straw colour all over; in reality it seems the lights & tail are difficult to get the desired even shade. But also there is isobel partridge (not afaik in silkies) this is just a normal partridge bird but also lavender so all black parts are lavender & all gold parts are straw.

Now another confusing bit. Hobby names tend to be exceedingly confusing, presumably because most hobby breeders do not know about genetics so the same name can get used for any number of different colours or in some cases the same colour can have ant number of different names.

In the case of silkies, for whatever reason, someone making what would have been the usual isobel buff silkies but took birds which were still showing quite a bit of the lavender colour, rather than all straw & decided to call them porcelain......just to confuse us, pedantic, genetics adicts.
Question for Sonoran or anyone else that may know. Is anyone working on a deep RIR colored Silkie? I think that dark mahogany red color would be beautiful.
I have some reds, but they are not as dark as the RIR by any stretch. I do think I remember someone wanting to make them--could have been you?

I spoke with George yesterday. He said that a porcelain silkie should have equal parts of isabel & lavender.
I have some reds, but they are not as dark as the RIR by any stretch. I do think I remember someone wanting to make them--could have been you?

I spoke with George yesterday. He said that a porcelain silkie should have equal parts of isabel & lavender.

Yes, I have asked this question in the past, but I have no intentions of working on them myself, no room.

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