Portable modular covered run!


Jul 22, 2016
Indiana, USA
I just completed a portable aviary for my chicks! The structure is made of 3/4" PVC and it is covered with bird netting (attached with zip ties). Modular 10' lengths of tunnel are tied together with Velcro straps. The last segment has an end cap of bird netting. I plan on making a couple more of these to double the size of the aviary. There is about 2' of space between the run and the electric fence that is not covered, but I'm told hawks won't land if they don't have plenty of clearance for their wingspan. Thoughts about that?

I thought the hawks would not bother birds twenty feet from the house under a lean to attached to my garage, but i was wrong and lost a number of young birds before i figured out what was going on. I worry about the bird netting, it is not very durable. But you have hot wire protection so maybe you won't have night time invaders. The birds can get in under the coop for shade, right? Good work, you have been busy.
Pretty slick!
What is your climate/location?

Hopefully hawks don't crash into/thru the deer netting...
...and that your hot wire is HOT at all times.
I would love to make something like this, for only 3 chicks for when they get bigger. I would like to make it small enough so I can move it by myself. How did this one hold up? If I only have them outside during the day, do I really need the electric fencing? Some people in our area just let their chickens run loose. I don't know how many they lose though.
I would love to make something like this, for only 3 chicks for when they get bigger. I would like to make it small enough so I can move it by myself. How did this one hold up? If I only have them outside during the day, do I really need the electric fencing? Some people in our area just let their chickens run loose. I don't know how many they lose though.
Hi Carol- whether or not you need the electric fence depends on the types of predators that live in your are and the types of protections already in place. They might be ok without in a well fenced back yard in a city with few predators. However I am in the country with raccoons who are willing to wake up mid-day if there's a meal in it for them, and neighbors who free range their dogs. I'm afraid I'd lose my whole flock without the electric fence.

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