Possible ameraucana


May 27, 2020
Elk Grove,CA
I’m pretty sure Lady Bawkington is an ameraucana but since I’m eyeballing google images does anyone with more experience want to chime in?


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It depends on the Easter Egger. Many are derived from them, but don't have the characteristics of a pure bred. For example, she has green-ish legs from a yellow skinned bird mixed in, while Ameraucanas have slate. She also is a non-standardized color. Unless you're specifically seeking out pure Ameraucanas, you probably have an Easter Egger
It depends on the Easter Egger. Many are derived from them, but don't have the characteristics of a pure bred. For example, she has green-ish legs from a yellow skinned bird mixed in, while Ameraucanas have slate. She also is a non-standardized color. Unless you're specifically seeking out pure Ameraucanas, you probably have an Easter Egger
I bought from a local farm that was calling them pure ameraucanas but Easter egger or ameraucana doesn’t really matter to me as long as they can stand the heat here. Which is why I bought local. I figured if they were breed here they’d be more likely to be ok on 102 days.

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