possible breed ID and is this a rooster?


7 Years
Aug 24, 2012
Hi All,

This is a mystery male included with my chick order. I have 2 that look like this. Any guesses as to breed?

This beautiful Australorp is supposed to be a pullet. I am starting to think they missed one. Is this a guy or girl? This pic is not great. Bird is not being cooperative. MOre interested in foraging I guess.

Thanks in advance
Top one is surely a barred rock... We got 2 of them about a month and a half ago and they looked exactly like that... Very friendly... One has a half black beak, which makes them nameable... Hard to name em if you cant tell them apart lol
Possible rooster is about 4 months old. Now I am wondering about the breed/gender of some of my other birds. I ordered 2 barred rock pullets. Maybe the larger birds with the black and white feathers are my mystery males. The only ones I am sure of now are the white rocks and the buff rocks. Maybe I should post pics of the other multi colored birds for ID.

If both those pictures are of 4 month olds, they are both pullets. Combs and wattles are too small and pale to be cockerels. Agree that the first one looks like a BR and the second looks like BA.

Maybe you got lucky and they sent you a pullet instead of mystery cockerel!
Actually the bottom pic is a 4 month old australop. the ?mystery bird? is a 5 week old. They have all gone to bed for the night. I will get some pics of the other mystery birds and post since I am now wondering about 2 other birds from the 5 week old batch. I hope my lorp is a pullet but I know sexing is not perfect. Fortunately I can have roosters here.


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