Possible broken/sprained/fractured foot/toe


6 Years
Jul 6, 2016
Green Ohio
My cochin Ethel can't put any weight on the foot, it is slightly swollen and warmer than her other foot. I've been giving her antibiotics in her water for about seven days already and she is in a smallish cage with her food and water to keep her from moving around too much. She only has the swelling/warmth on her foot. No cuts or injury is showing, no bumble foot. She has no trouble moving from knee and above but can't put any weight on the foot. She doesn't seem to be moving the toes and they are not curled. Motion is normal at the ankle, she doesn't react to that or me touching the toes much. Should I wrap the foot to keep it a bit more stable? Are there herbs I can give her for inflamation? I did give her some dried comfry for the first five days. Should I give her more? I would love some help. I put her cage next to my chicks in the basement and she seems very content.
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I took her to the Vet because her ankle wasn't bending any more and they couldn't find bumblefoot, they thought it was probably a fracture or sprain and that the swelling was causing pain in the joints that affected the ankle. They gave her an noninflammatory shot and wanted x-rays but that would cost 115$ so I said no. The swelling is soft not hard. Should I splint the toes?
Ok, still swollen but soft to the touch but I can see some white through the skin in two places near each other on her smaller toe. I’m guessing it’s pus from infection. Should I drain it?
I soaked her foot in a warm saline solution and the infection moved closer to the surface. I can tell now that it is lumpy and hard. I'm going to soak her foot again then try to remove the kernels of infection and wrap her up. I'll let you know how it goes.
After more than a month of trying to remove the infection and only getting partial success in her toes I had to put her down. It broke my heart because she had become so docile and was otherwise healthy.

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