Possible bumblefoot?


Sep 17, 2019
North Carolina, USA
Hi All -

Last week we adopted four 5 week old ducks from a family in my area, immediately we saw a few issues with them, 1 duck was smaller then the rest suffering from a niacin deficiency, the other 3 have bowed legs, so we picked up brewer's yeast and 3 of the 4 are doing way better, including the one that we've named littles. The 4th duck, that we've started calling legs, is having some real issues, almost essentially losing control of one of his legs. The hock joint is swollen and I'm worried that he potentially has bumble, but it does not look like pictures I've seen. He is still eating and drinking, but is really struggling to get around. My Buff Oprington have never had any issues and I just want to give these babies the best quality of life that I can. Can you tell me if this is bumblefoot? If so, I'll immediately go out to buy Epsom and pain reliever free neosporin. Should I also potentially look into an antibiotic since the hock joint is now inflamed? The leg is warm to the touch.


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Small bumble soak and use neosporin should clear it up. Hock inflammation is most likely another issue that maybe a slipped tendon, gently run your fingers down the leg over that area and see if you can feel anything out of place? That may need vet help. Then again may just be from weak legs and liquid b complex might help, TSC has the best 1 ml Over a tasty treat. The liquid b complex will benefit all your new babies put them on their treats and after major improvement go back to the Brewers yeast.
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Treats? Like actual treats? Or is this some duck term I'm not familiar with?
Small bumble soak and use neosporin should clear it up. Hock inflammation is most likely another issue that maybe a slipped tendon, gently run your fingers down the leg over that area and see if you can feel anything out of place? That may need vet help. Then again my just be from weak legs and liquid b complex might help, TSC has the best 1 ml Over a tasty treat. The liquid b complex will benefit all your new babies put them on their treats and after major improvement go back to the Brewers yeast.View attachment 1910176
How does his leg feel when you gently run your fingers down over it? The tendon that can slip is in the back at the hock or knee you can use the other leg for reference.
Both hocks are the same size. If you can see them in this picture, but if you zoom the picture, you can see that there are scabs on his hock, I'm curious if bumble can happen on the legs?

How does his leg feel when you gently run your fingers down over it? The tendon that can slip is in the back at the hock or knee you can use the other leg for reference.


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