I have 8 chicks that are supposed to be pullets. There's only one that I believe might be a Roo. (S)he is a Buff Orpington. If she is in fact a he (and friendly), I wouldn't mind keep him around for my other girls. BUT I also don't want to be hatching out crosses that don't make sense, and I wouldn't want to be getting too attached in that case.
So out of curiosity, what would I be getting with the following hens and a Buff Orpington roo?:
Barred Rock
Sapphire Gem
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Easter Egger
So out of curiosity, what would I be getting with the following hens and a Buff Orpington roo?:
Barred Rock
Sapphire Gem
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Easter Egger