Possible egg bound


May 30, 2021
Hello everyone I have an issue with one of my Easter Egger hens. She breathes with a rattle sound. I don’t really think she eats as much as she should. I haven’t noticed her eggs but I do have a lot of chickens so I wouldn’t be sure which one is hers or not. She doesn’t roam the property as much as the other chickens. She just sits and chill most of the day. Last night at roost time she was breathing hard and on the perch and I saw her bottom bulgy. All of the sudden I noticed it was an egg it was a little bit of a strain but she pushed it out and it hit the ground. I don’t know if that is her issue being egg bound and if it was in the egg pass has anyone dealt with this problem and what happens after she passes the egg? This morning she still sounds rattling and she got out of the coop and went and sat in some cool dirt. Could there be more eggs in there what should I do?
How old is she? Can you feel of her crop to see if it is boggy and puffy? Can you recheck it in the early morning after she goes all night without food and water, to make sure that it is empty? Is her tail up or down?

Do you feed her layer feed and have crushed oyster shell available in a separate container? I would give her a human calcium citrate tablet with vitamin D today, to see if it helps her to lay. Does she lay every day or how often?

It could be that she is having a reproductive issue, and she also could have ascites or water belly. Is her lower belly less full today?
How old is she? Can you feel of her crop to see if it is boggy and puffy? Can you recheck it in the early morning after she goes all night without food and water, to make sure that it is empty? Is her tail up or down?

Do you feed her layer feed and have crushed oyster shell available in a separate container? I would give her a human calcium citrate tablet with vitamin D today, to see if it helps her to lay. Does she lay every day or how often?

It could be that she is having a reproductive issue, and she also could have ascites or water belly. Is her lower belly less full
She is about maybe a year old she has laid her second egg two days in a row the second one was a little whoppy looking. she eats layer pellets and does have oyster shells convenient for her in a separate bowl. She was walking around more earlier but now laying in the shade in the dirt because of how hot it is here in Mississippi. I’ll investigate her tail and her crop more tomorrow.

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