Possible hatchlings?? Help! Advice?!

really?! how?!
Its super easy :) their sex links, so you simply tell by the dot on their head, if i remember correctly, if its big, its male, small, female!
heres a photo i found online for a example! Look at the white dot on the tip of their head!
Your hen will get off the nest for breaks, sometimes quite often if it's warm out. A half-hour or so to stretch the legs, poop, have a dust bath... Isn't going to harm the babies. Even longer is likely fine. But if she's not coming back to the nest or growl/purring, she may be losing her broodiness.

My SLW hasn't ever gone broody, but she's a big girl. I'd assume Silkie eggs should be okay, but I know some larger breeds can crush smaller eggs - like you could give a Silkie some quail eggs, but they prolly wouldn't last under a bramah etc...

Eggciting to hear they're developing well.

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