Possible treated sawdust in the run?


8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
Columbia, MO
When I bought the lumber for my coop, I was careful not to choose treated wood for most of the build because I'm aware of toxicity issues with the sawdust, and wanted to minimize risk. I did a pretty good job at this overall, but a couple of things did sneak in, including some wood sheathing we used for some of the walls.

Since we haven't got a workshop, we've been using the patio and the space around the build as a place to cut and assemble. My plan was to sweep away anything that might be suspect, but we've had a fair bit of rain recently, meaning that the dust has stuck to the mud like crazy. Clearly this was not the best choice I could have made, but here we are.

Any ideas about what I can do to minimize risk to my hens when I move them out into the coop/run? I was thinking about picking up some play sand anyway just to bolster the dryness angle, but that was more of a "sprinkle" kind of plan than a "sandbox!" plan.
Sand would be a good idea. It really depends on if they decide to eat it, maybe keep extra food in there, so they won't start picking at the sawdust.

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