Possibly a little roo??

The single combed breeds are almost all similar in that the cockerels sprout red combs and wattles at 6 weeks. The pullets won't sprout much of anything until they are closer to sexual maturity. That is ones first sign. The males are also set on stouter legs and stand taller. The males will be "heads up" as that will be their job, to be watchful. Being taller helps with that. They'll also need to be leggier to better mount the females. That too is their job, so nature forms them this way.

The male's head is often shaped differently as well. Soon, he will feather out much more exotically, as a rule, than the female. She is often more bland so better to be camouflaged while nesting. She is smaller and lower to the ground. Nature makes her this way in order to better lay eggs and be mounted in mating.

This difference becomes something the eye grows in its ability to note. After you've seen hundreds, if not thousands of chicks, one becomes accustomed to seeing the difference in male and female as easily as seeing the difference say, in a male Robin and a female Robin in yard in spring.

Yes, it is 100% cockerel. Congratulations, you have a boy.
Good info Fred! :)

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