Possibly Egg-bound?


In the Brooder
Oct 3, 2017
I have a 2-year old buff Orpington who is very sick. I noticed on Friday when I gave them water that her crown was turning black, she was walking funny and was not with the rest of the flock. The last couple days she won’t eat or drink, she isn’t moving from her spot in the coop on the floor and her legs are spread apart like she’s doing the splits. Tonight I tried bringing her inside to see if she’s egg-bound but I can’t feel and egg because her belly is very swollen and hot. I tried giving her a warm bath to clean her belly and vent and she just laid there. I was flipping her on her back so I could see her belly better and she just laid there. She’s normally very feisty and the dominant bird in the flock. I also noticed tonight a little bit of white spots on her crown but it’s getting more and more black as each day passes. Does anyone have any ideas?


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Is a vet an option for you?
The inability to walk and the leg position suggest Marek's disease. The swollen abdomen could be tumors. There is also the possibility that she has a reproductive problem. In either case the outlook is poor. I'm sorry!! If you lose her it would be a good idea to have a necropsy done, that is the only way to confirm or rule out Marek's, and it would be good information to have going forward. I'm really sorry that the news is not more encouraging. Hopefully you will get some more opinions.
Here are some resources by state for necropsy, refrigerate the body, don't freeze:
Is a vet an option for you?
The inability to walk and the leg position suggest Marek's disease. The swollen abdomen could be tumors. There is also the possibility that she has a reproductive problem. In either case the outlook is poor. I'm sorry!! If you lose her it would be a good idea to have a necropsy done, that is the only way to confirm or rule out Marek's, and it would be good information to have going forward. I'm really sorry that the news is not more encouraging. Hopefully you will get some more opinions.
Here are some resources by state for necropsy, refrigerate the body, don't freeze:

Unfortunately, we live in the sticks and not only are there no 24/hour vets, any vet is far and few between (ironic since you’d think it would be a booming business around farmland). I am hoping she makes it through the night, and we can evaluate tomorrow if we should make the trip to a vet or if there is something we can do for her here. She seems very alert and would talk to me when I brought her in the bath tonight so I’m hoping that’s a good sign. Thank you for your advice it helps a lot!
We had to cull her. After extensive research last night and her extremely labored breathing this morning, we concluded she likely had Marek’s disease so we made the difficult decision. She was my favorite and the flock is definitely aware she’s not there anymore but I think we made the right decision. No matter what she had she was clearly in a lot of pain and nothing we tried was able to make her comfortable.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I think you made the right decision in this case, hard as it was. Sometimes it's the kindest thing we can do for them. Again, so sorry. :hugs
How would you confirm it as marejs from necropsy

The presence of tumours is a fair indication along with the age of the bird and history and symptoms and finding asymmetric inflammation of the sciatic nerves if the bird was exhibiting lameness but for an absolute Marek's diagnosis, tissue from tumours is sent off for PCR testing.
There is the option these days for PCR testing of a blood sample from a living bird or a plucked feather I believe but not all labs have the instrument to do the PCR testing.

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