Possibly helpful Nutri-drench Niacin Content information


Previously AstroDuck
Aug 28, 2020
I know a lot of people use Nutri-drench for ducks and mention that a factor in choosing Nutri-drench is that it contains niacin per the ingredients list on the bottle. I contacted the company who makes Nutri-drench to find out exactly just how much niacin is in an ounce. I thought it might be helpful to share here the content of niacin amount I was given and the conversion to mg per oz. I was told that there is 0.00035% of Niacin in one ounce of Nutri-drench. There are 28349.523mg in 1oz. and 0.00035% of 28349.523mg is 0.0992mg. So in 1oz. of Nutri-drench there is approximately 0.0992mg of Niacin.
I've never used Nutri drench to give niacin to my waterfowl. I have used it mainly as a boost when first hatched. That's interesting info thanks.
Not all people do, but there has been several times on here where I've seen people say they're "already giving nutri-drench which has niacin in it". Which lead me to contact the company to find if Nutri-drench while a great product should be used for niacin boosting purposes.
I have seen that too and always try and recommend Liquid B complex or Nutritional yeast.

I did see recently someone rec using Poultry Nutri drench to treat wry neck along with Vit E and selenium I have no idea if it helps though.
I have seen that too and always try and recommend Liquid B complex or Nutritional yeast.

I did see recently someone rec using Poultry Nutri drench to treat wry neck along with Vit E and selenium I have no idea if it helps though.
Hmmm now I'm curious🤔
Actually there was a member who hatched ducklings and one had wry neck. Someone rec giving the duckling Poultry Nutri drench along the with others that are rec and it took a while but the duckling did recover. I would never be able to find that thread though but I need to see if I can.

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