

That's just great. What about someone's pet who may NOT be secure, as in lost, that happens across that tasty treat? Kidney failure is a very painful death for animal or human. Why do that to an animal when there are other options? Trap the thing, secure your coop, do something but putting out poison for whatever happens across it? Irresponsible to say the least criminal in most states, and I hope to God you don't take this person's advice, OP.

That's just great. What about someone's pet who may NOT be secure, as in lost, that happens across that tasty treat? Kidney failure is a very painful death for animal or human. Why do that to an animal when there are other options? Trap the thing, secure your coop, do something but putting out poison for whatever happens across it? Irresponsible to say the least criminal in most states, and I hope to God you don't take this person's advice, OP.

Unfortunately, someone who would be willing to make such a suggestion is generally not someone who would care in the least if someone's beloved pet were to happen by and die in the process. Not everyone's value system inclued caring about anyone or anything but themselves.
true, but I do hope at least that if someone were even remotely considering such a heinous act, they immediately realize there are other solutions. If they DO decide to take the madman's advice, I hope they get caught and put in jail. Putting out poison bait is (in most states) a CRIMINAL act.
To luvmychicknkids I did not want to kill the possum but I have to protect my chickens and I will do that with any means. Just like I would protect my children and other animals. If you saw some thin hurting your pets you cant tell me your just going to watch any do nothing you would kill to. The possum lived under my shed for 2 years and I did nothing until it started killing my chickens.
I do understand that and appreciate the fact that you didn't do anything when the opossum wasn't causing trouble. The only problem I had was the fact that it sounds like the chickens don't even have a secure coop which is just asking for trouble. Well, that and the person twisted enough to suggest antifreeze.....which was not you.
Wasn't trying to be rude to you, honestly, I just feel we need to start by building our fortress and go from there.
I would kill it. There are so many dead ones in the road that I don't think I have to worry about them going extinct. I put steel leg traps out and caught some then to put them out of their and my misery, they get the 410. We have so many around I see them all the time. I didn't use to shut my coop up at night but since I have been seeing them around and have recently lost one of my best layers, it's good night possum.

That's just great. What about someone's pet who may NOT be secure, as in lost, that happens across that tasty treat? Kidney failure is a very painful death for animal or human. Why do that to an animal when there are other options? Trap the thing, secure your coop, do something but putting out poison for whatever happens across it? Irresponsible to say the least criminal in most states, and I hope to God you don't take this person's advice, OP.

True , also posting these plans on how to poison are also criminal.
The question was "how do I kill it?"

I caught one on the coop a couple weeks back. Smacked it with a rake, it rolled over and played possum, I raked it out of the coop and dispatched it with a shovel. No big deal.

These are not an endangered species.

How to kill a possum?

410 shot gun
Oak club
...and the method I've used dozens of times... Chevy Silverado

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