
Lol at the stories.

I found one recently in the garden shed helping itself to the chicken feed.
Of course there was no option, but to pick it up, then get a picture, but the camera's in the house. Guess I have an indoor/outdoor possum.

Lol at the stories.

I found one recently in the garden shed helping itself to the chicken feed.
Of course there was no option, but to pick it up, then get a picture, but the camera's in the house. Guess I have an indoor/outdoor possum.

Your braver than me! No oven mitts or anything, WOW!:p
I accidentally locked a possom in my coop over night with my 4 hens. I woke up in the morning, lets the chickens out, and I decide I was going to clean the coop. When I went to remove the food and water, I saw a possom, playing possom. I grabbed the hose and squirted him till it left. It squeezed through a very small gap in my fence and garage. It didnt kill anything, luckily, and it hasnt been back.
Opossums are usually hunting mice around our coops and not chickens. Unknown to many, opossums are voracious at consuming mice. Sometimes when hunting mice, one will decide to bite on chicken but not always. When I lived in the city, I watched some wandering around roosting birds and not bother the chickens & still others attack my chickens -- the attackers got shot but I'd leave the others alone.
I never knew we HAD possum up here. I've seen, in no particular order: coyote/red fox/grey fox/mink/coon/skunk/weasel/fishercat/hawks, and I'm sure other predators that I've forgotten, but I had never seen a possum. Never even seen one road-killed, let along here on the farm. Well, last evening I was checking a flat-set for coyote and guess what, a possum! Got him in a #4 leg-hold. It was a two-rear-foot catch. He was reaching up for the bait and the unlucky b*****d was standing smack-dab on the pan! .17HMR...bye bye possum.

YTD total:

4 coon
1 skunk
1 woodchuck (garden "predator")
1 rat
6 red squirrel (grain thieves)
1 possum

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