Post fly strike stench, infection?

It would appear from those photos that her abdominal cavity has been breached. That mass protruding out appears to be her oviduct which looks to be impacted with lash egg material. I cannot imagine the skin ever being able to grow over and close up that hole and even if it did, the salpingitis is going to kill her. I appreciate what you are saying about her being quite chirpy and I know you have done a great job to get her this far, but I really feel that she is living on borrowed time and cannot begin to imagine a way that she can come back from this.
The likelihood is that the oviduct impaction has been pushed back out of that hole a little allowing poop to push through the constriction of the lower gut and be eliminated (hence she is pooping better) but with her back body open like that it is only a matter of time before infection sets in or flies lay eggs again or tissue becomes necrotic or her whole back end ruptures out.
I'm sorry to paint such a negative picture of the situation but my advice would be to start preparing to euthanize ..... I don't know if you would do it yourselves or take her to the vets for that..... it may need to be done on the weekend when vets are closed so worth bearing that in mind. Having had one rupture and die myself and feeling guilty that I didn't end it sooner for her because it must have been an agonising death, I would recommend not delaying, but I can understand that you will want to hang onto hope as long as she is looking perky. If that is the case, I would watch for her going off her food and use that as the point for calling it a day.

Hopefully other experienced members of BYC will offer their considered opinion to help you come to a rational decision. I would not want anyone to make such a decision based on just one response..... or the best course of action would be to visit a vet if you can afford/justify it.

Thank you for your reply and your insight. I appreciate it.

Do you know what causes this to happen? She's not very old - slightly over two. She's an Australorp.

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