Post here if you DON'T wash clean-looking eggs

I never wash my eggs and remember only having one that needed it and rather than bother gave it to cat of mine who
adores eggs.
I must have very clean hens, but we do change the straw in the laying boxes very often and not much rain in Spain so no
mud and obviously clean bottoms !!!!!!
I never wash my eggs either. I heard once that if you wash them, it shortens their life span and I would like to believe that so there's my poor and far fetched excuse.
I used to wash them when we first started. Now I only rinse off those that are really crusty, usually when it's rainy and muddy or when someone's been a bit untidy with her hygiene. If they're a little dirty, I usually just put them in the carton and wash my hands after I crack them open. I have never not used an egg because it was dirty.
I put the fresh collected eggs in the fridge... I wash them before I use them .... no use taking chances with bacteria that might be on the outside of the shell and end up in your omelet...
I wash my eggs when I plan to blow out the innards so I can save the shells. My girls are just starting to lay, and some of the shells are too pretty to break and discard. I plan to use the hollow eggs in a Spring centerpiece for the table. If they were less fragile, I'd probably hang a couple from the rear view mirror, like some folks do with their baby's first shoes! Otherwise, I just check them over, and use them as is if they are clean, or give them a rinse just before I use them if they are not. Either way, wash your hands before and after you handle the eggs. You are probably more danger to the egg than the egg is to you.
I don't wash or refrigerate my eggs. They all go in a pretty cut glass bowl on the counter until I use them. Keeping the straw in the nesting boxes clean makes keeping the eggs clean so much easier. If I do get a stained up egg (usually on rainy days), the dogs get to eat them.
i only wash them if they looks really gross. i read about a chef who cracks his eggs on the counter not the pan, this would avoid getting any bacteria from the shell into the cooking pan. i've adopted that method just in case, seems just as easy.
The majority of my eggs are dirty and I like them clean to give to others. If I wash them and keep them refrigerated do I risk bacteria contamination ?
I completely agree....mine are kept in an egg basket I weaved myself on the table or counter. The only time I keep eggs in the fridge is if the temp gets the house hot..I normally keep the house about 68' - 72'. I learned this from BYC! Many people do not refrigerate their eggs. Some of our members live on boats and do not put them in the fridge. Our eggs are used within two weeks. I always rotate them to be sure none are older than that. Google that here in the upper right hand corner under the blue menu band on byc for yourself

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