Post-op bumblefoot scab-advice please?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 1, 2012
Wetumpka, Alabama
Once a post-op scab has formed on the foot, how long do you continue to keep it bandaged? Until scab completely falls off? Or do you let it air dry, unwrapped, in a clean, dry environment? And if bandaged, do you maintain the scab moist/soft (with antibacterial ointment) or keep it dry with nothing on it until it comes off? Thanks in advance for any advice!
the foot dressing should be changed 2-3 times a week provided the floor area isn't filthy. Soft floor and no roost are important during this healing process. I had an advanced case once. I took a sterile, sharp knife and cut the abscess on the upper side of the swelling. I then squeezed out the cheese like exudate, and filled the opening with iodine, wrapped the foot with flexible Vetrap bandaging. Staph bacteria is the problem with Bumblefoot. Each time you change the foot dressing, apply some triple antibiotic ointment or Neosporin. It should be healed in a week or two.
Appreciate your reply. A little more info...My two girls are in a large crate recovering in the house, on thick layer of pine shavings and no roost and doing well. It's been close to two month since their double-footed surgeries. Two of the smaller scabs have come off. The thicker, larger scabs (did alot of digging on those feet!) are taking forever to come off. With the formation of dried up scabs, I had stopped putting meds on, or a gauze pad, only vetwrapped feet to help keep clean. I change vetwrap daily. Wondering if at this point I should be doing something different to help things along? Thanks!
Appreciate your reply. A little more info...My two girls are in a large crate recovering in the house, on thick layer of pine shavings and no roost and doing well. It's been close to two month since their double-footed surgeries. Two of the smaller scabs have come off. The thicker, larger scabs (did alot of digging on those feet!) are taking forever to come off. With the formation of dried up scabs, I had stopped putting meds on, or a gauze pad, only vetwrapped feet to help keep clean. I change vetwrap daily. Wondering if at this point I should be doing something different to help things along? Thanks!
One thing I'd consider is why they have this condition. What is their environment like where they spend most of the day? If they are larger, standard breeds, how high is your roost off the floor? Do the shavings contain lots of splinters when you're spreading it out?

You'll have to observe the scabs. If there's swelling or irritation, bacteria is still existing in the wound.
I knew nothing of bumblefoot until I saw some swellings and came here for info (thank you everyone)! I've always been fastidious in keeping their coop and pen clean, and roosts we're too high. Shavings are the pine flakes, so not sure about splintery stuff. But I do know that the condition was noted several weeks after adding an addition to their pen which, in my ignorance, had some exposed hardware cloth/wire on the ground around the area for security, and an area that had small bits of gravel, both of which these two girls (most active) no doubt got into..I feel so bad and wish I had been aware...
Now, in the next few days I'll be out of state for a month, leaving DH to pick up with their care, and then my grown son to care for them for a week when hubby travels to meet me. It's been such a worry that they'll be ok (and not too much burden on others) when I'm gone.
Their feet do show some pink between the toes (I spray with Vetericyn) and on the heels, which I'm attributing to irritation from only vetwrap between toes and on feet (no gauze). Past few days I've been doing some brief epsom salts soaks, vetericyn between toes and antibac on scabs before wrapping, a last ditch to make them (ME?) feel better before leaving :) I'm hoping the last two scabs will have fallen off and all will be well upon my return so they can (cautiously) be returned to their four sisters outside in the coop and have their freedom back! The others have since been sequestered to their old pen until the new area is remedied!
Thanks again...
You're welcome. I think you know what to do. Get rid of the hardware cloth in the areas where barbs can damage their feet. Gravel isn't kind to their feet either. If you can do away with those two things and allow soft dirt or even clean river sand added to the yard, the birds will appreciate it. The sand helps for drainage during that wet time of year too.
Yes, we'll have work to do when I get back on the new pen addition! Their "Ft. Knox" 9' x 7' pen has been home the past yr. and a half, which has sand, and I was so thrilled to finally give them a larger 20' x 40' , netting-covered new play yard..they seemed so happy with all that space! Felt like a heel putting the girls back in their little pen, but just haven't had time to correct the other problems. Sand would help in the new area, maybe even sod..either way it will take a lot and some doing. Hopefully my two recovering girls will be healed by the time we find a solution! Thanks and have a great day:)

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