Post Phoenix Pics Please

Hi Everyone,
Long time no talk, how's everyone doing and how are your birds?
Are your birds filling out nicely?

I just came back home from college today for Thanksgiving...
My roos are looking really nice, I am very excited!

if i use a milk jug to judge the size of a phoenix would you say taller than the jug is a large fowl, same size is medium, and slightly smaller a bantam?
nice! photos
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I need to post pics of my birds. The one cockerel is just amazing. The pullets all look the same but the one AOV/light golden cockerel is just stunning, his saddles are near 1' long and still in pin. His brothers are not even close to him. The white is probably the next best thing but the darker golden's feathers have hardened off for the most part which makes him look like a longer tailed leghorn. The light brown is decent but green legged. On the light brown, his saddles are really fine and thin which is a good thing I guess, just not enough length.
same here, been dragging on pic taking, honestly they are all over the place still molting, some still havent even started, some half back, some are half back and still carrying some of last years that they didnt molt yet. Spent all day Saturday plucking those so they'd even out. Once they are all done, I'll get the camera back out. Been swamped for time with everything I have going on here now anyway. Got pens to build, brooders full of chicks needing new grow out pens too. Just not enough time in a day seems like, especially now that it's dark at 5!!

Yes Amanda,
I'm using a few of Toni's ohiki to start a spangled line in the phoenix too. Just getting going on it, hope to get some on the back cross next year.

on bantams, they are generally 12- 13 inches tall on the roosters, at least the ones I have are, with a body about the same size as a d'uccle. They just look bigger due to all the feathers.

the import large fowl I have are about as big around as a milk jug! Especially the Schubert line, they are beast to me being a bantam guy. I'd say about 22 inches tall or so easy, maybe a bit more.
Way back when we first got our original phoenix, we had a silver mottled rooster. He was a great silver with every feather having a perfect white tip. We never bred from him but since the flock was related, we would get silver males that had mottling for quite awhile. It never showed up in the goldens or light browns, just silvers. I'm sure it is still lurking in the flock and will pop up again one of these days. I was out with the roosters tonight and noticed that the light golden is still almost all pins, I wonder when they'll stop growing. The sad thing about it is that I was planning on pelting him out since he was a chick just based on color but now it looks like he will be promoted to breeder and his lesser brother will take his place for a fly tying pelt
yep I wouldnt knock him in the head either Michael!
I use to have some starry breasted silver males too. Was like yours I dont think, not a true mottled bird, but visually it sure looked like one. Only ever saw it on silvers though same as you.
Will dig around and see if I can find some old pics of them to compare. Not sure if I still have any of them or not.
Aubrey, I'm sorry I have not had time to get on BYC and post any updated pics of the phoenix I got from you. Here are a few of your beautiful Roos that were hanging with me while I was getting some stuff together. Tell me what you think of them...

These are my Phoenix Roos out of the stock I had before I added yours. I'm curious to know what you or others think of their quality. I have never sold or shown my birds, but I'm tempted to give some to a local 4H'er if they are good enough, the older Roos hatched in late May so I would think they would look beautiful by spring. BTW I can't wait to add more of your phoenix and d"Anver's next year. Thanks so much. Melissa

Hi Melissa, good to see you again.
They are shaping up to look pretty decent. The last birds you listed, I like the gold the best. They look the best so far. once the saddles fill out on all of them, you'll be able to tell more about the overall quaility of them. That last silver, he just looks a bit pinched in the tail, may be a molt? But other than him, they are filling out. Once they are done growing in the feathers, I think you'll have some nice ones

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